blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1


A joint venture of the Department of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and New Virginia Review, Inc.


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From the menu to the left you may browse Blackbird by author or by title, or for those pieces that contain audio or visual media content. Below is the order in which the editors suggest you might wish to read, view, and listen to Blackbird.


Philip Levine
   Breakfasts with Joachim

Margaret Gibson
   Drifting Boat
   Fox Fire at the Changing Tree
   Next Morning Letter
   Summer Birds and Flowers

Eleanor Ross Taylor
   Disappearing Act

Lily Tuck
   Dream House

Beckian Fritz Goldberg
   He Said Discipline is the Highest Form of Love
   Past Immaculate

David St. John
   Black Light (II)
   Zuni Ring

Peggy Shumaker
   Night Blooming Jasmine
   What the Deaf Long to Hear

Romulus Linney

Mark Jarman

Wyatt Prunty
   Incident in the Sublime

R. T. Smith
   Crawdads on the Styx
   The Perils of Censorship

Manuel Martinez
   On the Bus

George Garrett
   Empty Bed Blues

Henry Taylor
   from In Memory of Brother Dave Gardner

Michael Chitwood
   Dollar Bill
   The Saved

E. Ethelbert Miller

John Dufresne
   This is the Age of Beautiful Death

Rachel Hadas
   The Other Side

Marilyn Nelson (translating Inge Peterson)
   The Potatoes

John Hoppenthaler

Richard Carlyon
   Flight Song

Hal Crowther
    Mencken and Me

Carrie Brown
    Miniature Man

Elizabeth King
   Clockwork Prayer: A Sixteenth-Century Mechanical Monk