blackbird online journal spring 2002 vol.1 no. 1



Two Poems by Larry Levis

Blackbird presents two poems by Larry Levis.

The first, "Poem Ending With a Hotel on Fire," was originally published in 64 Magazine. The video of Levis reading it may have been recorded in the summer of 1992, maybe later, location unknown. Blackbird and the Levis estate would appreciate receiving any information readers may have regarding where or when the video was made.

The second poem, "Those Graves in Rome," was published first in Winter Stars and then in The Selected Levis: Selected and With an Afterword by David St. John (both University of Pittsburgh Press, 1985 and 2000 respectively). In the conversation with Philip Levine published in this issue of Blackbird (see Nonfiction, "A Conversation with Philip Levine"), Levine refers not to the poem itself, but to the visit he and Levis once made to the graves of John Keats and Joseph Severn, the visit that later became the poem's subject.  

Poem Ending With a Hotel on Fire  |  Video
Those Graves in Rome

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